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Lesson 6

Work with the hip joints

The health of our entire body depends on the flexibility of the muscles. For example, hip flexion can cause incorrect load distribution, and tension in the knee joint. Back pain is often the result of a contraction of the back and buttocks. Such a contraction over time can lead to lumbar spine deformity due to overloading. As a result - excessive daily pressure on the lower back area and pain.

Working with the hip joints is important for anyone who cares about his physical health. After all, freedom of movement in the pelvic area is a necessary condition for the health of the entire organism and the pelvic organs in particular. In working on opening the hip joints we improve blood flow to the area, preventing varicose veins, supporting the sexual function of men and women. This work is especially important to women during pregnancy, including preparation for childbirth.


Due to a sedentary lifestyle, the joints are shortened, becoming less elastic and this significantly limits the range of motion of the joint. It is important to understand that no blood vessels reach the joint, so the joint nutrition comes from synovial fluid, which forms between the bones during joint movement.


Therefore, permanent exercise and movement in the hip joint area are important for providing components necessary for nutrition and restoration of cartilage tissue and maintaining a healthy joint for lifestyle, and preventing joint disease: arthritis, arthrosis.


Exercises aimed at opening the hip joints that help relieve constant tension in the lumbar region and keep the joints healthy. In these exercises, an interstitial space is created in which synovial fluid - lipids - can be extracted from the cartilage. Healthy cartilage acts as a shock absorber for joints, allowing bones to move relatively smoothly together, so it is important to maintain healthy cartilage for as long as possible. Thanks to constant practice, there is good lubrication of the joint with synovial fluid, as well as blood supply to the bones and muscles, which is key to health.

Pelvic structure

The pelvis is formed by two pelvic bones and two parts of the lower spine - the sacrum and the tailbone. The pelvic bones, in turn, are formed by three bones:Iliaki bone

shaft bone, andpubic bone. In the pelvic space the internal organs are situated.

The joints in the connection area between the pelvis and the spine are relatively immobile, their semi-rigid design firmly securing the base of the spine.

The tailbone and sacrum, in fact, function as one unit.

The legs are connected to the pelvis through the hip joints. These are spherical joints that are formed by connecting the pelvis and the femur. The hip joint is strengthened by a number of ligaments that help stabilize the position and enable the healthy functioning of the joint.


The range of motion of the hip joints is greatest among the body joints.

Muscles, ligaments and tendons help hip movements relative to the pelvis. Therefore, working on increasing ranges in the joint always involves working on the muscles associated with this work.

Let's designate 4 groups of hip muscles that will work when working in the joints in different directions:

1. Quadriceps (quadriceps femoris) and hip flexors - hip front.


2. Rear hip muscles, tendons and ligaments behind the knee.​​


3. Adductor group - Adductor Magnus, Adductor Longus, Adductor Brevis, Pectineus, Gracilis


4. Gluteals - Gluteus Maximus, Medius and Minimus


Each of the muscles represented by anatomy of the hip joint not only performs motor function: powerful fibers occupy some of the load during movements. And the more trained they are, the better they cope with stress, thus releasing the joint and performing a shock absorbing function. As a result, the possible injury from unsuccessful movements is also reduced.

When it comes to the middle split, there are some aspects to consider.

1. Muscles and tendons. The range of motion and elasticity of the muscles can be improved with practice.


2. Bones and skeletal structure. Sometimes it can be a serious limitation that cannot be changed. To some people because of the pelvic structure - it is impossible to make a middle split at all. At the same time, they will have no problem doing side split and other complex exercises. In addition to this, it is recommended to work on the exercises for the hip area because it improves the functioning of  the body interior systems and improves muscle elasticity in general.


3. Nervous system. Sometimes the muscles are sufficiently elastic and the pelvic structure should not restrict movement but still something interfering and you do not get to the split. This is because of the nervous system. The nervous system is designed to guard us and stop traffic in dangerous situations. For people who have done flexibility training or dancing at an early age, the nervous system does not resist the movement because the body knows it. However, for people who have not been active before, their bodies are unfamiliar with the preceptor and therefore the nervous system recognizes it as dangerous and stops the movement. The solution to this is to work gently but steadily on the exercises of lesson six and seven of this course.

Practical part

Exercise 1

Start with a butterfly position, sitting with your knees bended and legs crossed. Put your hands behind your back. Put the toes of your  feet to the floor and attach the feet and heels. Lift the pelvis and push both the heels and the pelvis forward for maximum opening of the knees. Slow weight can be moved from side to side.


Back to the first position. Feet tight, knees open to the sides. Taking inhalation and exhaling move weight forward. Go upstairs with a round back. Repeat this exercise 3 times

Exercise Set 2

1. Lie on your back. Use your abs muscles to seat up and at the same time spread legs apart. During this movement,hold your legs turned out, so that the twig touches the floor. Repeat this exercise 4-8 times.


2. Lying on the stomach. Put your elbows in front. Push the floor with your elbows in order to move more weight back. Repeat this exercise 4-8 times.


3. Stay in a froggy position. Knees are open in 90 degrees, tailbone rotated inwards. Try to open your knees as much as possible and reach the crotch to the floor.


4. From the froggy position put your hands to the floor. Straighten one leg, rotate it out so that the heel touches the floor and the knee will be turned up, and return with a knee bent at ninety degrees on the floor. Rotate the leg inside the hip joint. Repeat 4 times each leg.


5. Stay in the froggy position. Moving weight slowly forward and then pushing elbows against the floor and moving weight backwards. Insert the tailbone in and try to get closer to the floor. Stay in this position for at least 30 seconds.


6. Release and compensation. Moving weight forward, closing your legs and putting your knees together. Open your feet to the sides without opening your knees.

Exercise 3

Lying on your back, open the legs so that your knees are in line with your pelvis.

Press your lower back to the floor. Bend your knees at right angles. Take a deep breath and exhale, press on your knees down to the floor. Stay in position for at least 30 seconds.


After that, straighten and bend your knees without moving them away. Repeat several times and after that stay with straight legs. Extend the legs out so that the heels will be turned towards the ceiling. You stay in this position at least 3-4 deep breaths.

For release, bend your knees and move them  from one side to the other.

Exercise Set 4

1. Lying on your back. Lower back to the floor, legs straight. Raise your feet a little from the floor. Rotate them to the turnout and return them to parallel. Repeat 8 times. Each time the legs are rotated inside the joint out and back.

Raise your feet higher to 60 degrees and do another 8 times.

Raise straight legs to 90 degrees and do another 8 reps.


2. Lying on your back. Straight legs 90 degrees up. Legs are rotated to turnout, tight heels. Open a straight leg toward the floor and the other leg stays at the same place without moving at all. Note that during exercise the pelvic position does not change! When a leg is opened try to touch the floor with the little finger of your foot. Repeat 4 times each leg.


3. Repeat the previous exercise but now cross with one leg forwards. Feel your adductors muscles are working hard. Repeat 4 times each leg.


4. Open two legs straight and close in 4 counts slowly and with control while maintaining the leg alignment and its outward rotation. Repeat 8 times.

Exercise Set 5

1. Start lying on your stomach, legs straight, elbows on the floor at 90 degrees. Raise your feet a little from the floor and rotate them to turn out position and back to the parallel. It is important to keep your legs straight throughout the exercise and rotate them from the hip joint. Repeat 8 times.

Repeat this exercise also that the legs are higher. Repeat 8 times.


2. Leave your legs on the air. Stretch and lengthen them, trying to hold the work of the back and gluteus muscles high. Open one leg sideways toward the floor, rotate it so the heel can attach the floor while keeping the pelvis neutral. The second leg stays in place with no movement. Work throughout the leg and hip joint. Repeat 8 times each leg.

Exercises 6

1. Starting position - lying on your back and legs straight. Attach the lower back to the floor.

Lift one leg straight, stretch it  and turn it out. Make a big circle with your leg. Try to take your leg close to the floor when making a circle. Heel is leading the movement . A supporting leg stays in place without any movement. When your foot gets close to the floor try to rotate it so the small finger will be close to the floor as possible. Do not  break the line of the foot. Do 4 rounds to one side and 4 more rounds to the other side. Repeat the exercise on the second leg as well. Lower back constantly stays on the floor.

2. Move the leg to the side from the top and with the muscles approaching pull the leg towards the head 4 - 8 times. Repeat the exercise with the other leg as well.

Exercise Set 7

1. Starting position - lying on your stomach, leaning on your elbows in front. Move a straight leg through the floor forward, rotating it out so that the heel touches the floor and the pelvic bones stay in place. Repeat 4 times each leg.


2. Do the exercise with both legs. As the legs move sideways, turn them to the turnout  so that the heel touches the floor and the knees turn towards the ceiling.


3. Second level. Lying on the stomach with your hands straight forward. Move a straight leg through the floor forward. Turn your leg so that the heel touches the floor. Repeat 4-8 times each leg.

Exercise 8

Sit close to the wall. Place straight legs on the wall and place your hands on the floor behind your back. Stick with the pelvis to the wall, open the legs and lie on your back. Extend your legs out. Attach the lower back to the floor and knees to the wall. You can push your legs to bring them closer to the floor. Stay at least 30 seconds.

At a more advanced level, put your hands behind your back and press them firmly against the floor to get closer to the wall. Of course, everyone will choose the level of exercise that is right for their body and ability.

Exercise 9

Froggy position near the wall. Knees open at right angles, feet attached to the wall. Tailbone in and belly contracted. Squeeze the buttocks and try to open the knees more and snap the crotch to the floor. Move weight forward to the elbows, take a deep breath and exhale press the elbows against the floor, moving weight toward the wall and thus deepening the stretch. Stay in position for at least 30 seconds. release. Weight forward, lie on your stomach and snap your legs. Knees stay together and feet open sideways. Repeat few times.

Exercise 10

Froggy diamond. Similar to the previous exercise. The feet  stay together and we try to put both the pelvis and the feet on the floor, squeezing the gluteus muscles.

Tired Stretching


1. Warm up well

2. Repeat exercises from previous lessons

3. Complete the exercises from this lesson

4. Answer the question: what muscles are involved in lesson 6?

5. Why is it important to work on our range of motion in the hip joint?

6. Take photos and upload them to Instagram, tag me so that I can share your success 😃


7. Enjoy home training 😃👍🏻🏠

Good luck !!! 😃💪

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